Tamed is the third installment in the Tangled series, and this time we get to see the world through the eyes of Matthew Fisher, Drew's best friend. Matthew is every bit the playboy that Drew is, but maybe not as cynical. Matthew is fine with playing the field, especially after getting his heart ripped out in college. Sure he plans on settling down and getting married someday, but for now he is content to have fun with all the Ms. Wrongs he meets along the way.
When Matthew meets Dee Dee, Kate's best friend, he knows right away that there is something special about her. But Dee Dee has been burned too many times, and despite the connection she has with Matthew, she is hesitant to jump into a full on relationship with him. The more time Matthew spends with Dee Dee, the more he wants to convince her to trust him and let him in. The question is: can she do it?
When Matthew meets Dee Dee, Kate's best friend, he knows right away that there is something special about her. But Dee Dee has been burned too many times, and despite the connection she has with Matthew, she is hesitant to jump into a full on relationship with him. The more time Matthew spends with Dee Dee, the more he wants to convince her to trust him and let him in. The question is: can she do it?
Emma Chase delivers another great installment in this series with Tamed. I can see why Matthew and Drew are best friends, and by the end of this book, I loved Matthew just as much as Drew. One of my favorite things about this series is the humor. This book is just as laugh out loud funny as Drew's book. I love Emma's leading men - they are sexy, smart, witty, arrogant, and dripping with confidence. I love watching them get knocked on their asses by love. Dee Dee is also a great character. She is vivacious and strong, with just the right amount of vulnerability to make her believable and easy to relate to.
The humor in this book is probably not for everyone, but I think it is sarcasm at its finest. I'm always impressed when I remember that this book is written by a female, because she so perfectly nails the male POV. I've even read passages to my guy friends to make sure, and they pretty much say she nails the nail on the head when it comes to the male perspective. Tamed is well worth the read, especially if you are looking for a good laugh mixed in with your romance.
The fourth installment in this series, Tied, is due out in October, and I for one can't wait to see what's in store for this group of characters.