My rating: 3 of 5 stars
There were things about this novel that I really liked and some things that I didn't. First, for what I liked...
My favorite thing about this novel was the characters. I liked Sam and found her to be a relatable character. I could sympathize with her desire to be normal despite having to cope with OCD. I adored the characters from Poet's Corner and would love to spend an afternoon hanging out with them in their secret room. I loved that Sam was able to connect with others and herself through poetry and I loved the idea of a secret poetry group. Ever since I saw the movie, Dead Poet's Society I have harbored a desire to belong to a secret poetry society. Unfortunately, I haven't come across one just yet. I liked the relationship between Sam and AJ because it was all about forgiveness and second chances. This book had me hook, line, and sinker until about three-quarters of the way in.
Now, onto what I didn't might want to stop here to avoid spoilers. I'm going to try not to give too much away, but just in case...
I thought I knew exactly where this story was going til Mrs. Stone through me a supernatural curve ball. Then she lost me. The introduction of a ghost was just too left-field for me. Although, Stone did a good job explaining the situation and connecting it with Sam's mental disorder, the story just lost steam for me after that.
What I liked about this novel far outweighs what I didn't like about it, but that supernatural element keeps me from being about to give it four stars. It's really like a 3.5 for me.
On an unrelated note to the novel, I listen to the audio version of this novel and found the narrator's accent or maybe it was her intonation off-putting. Just an FYI in case you might be considering the audiobook. If you have a choice, I would suggest a non-audio version.
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